Existential Resilience in Songs and Singing

On the 6th of February 2024, we organised a workshop on ‘existential resilience in songs and singing’ with our partner Musik i Syd. The workshop took place at at Skissernas museum and included a lecture on, and an interactive practice of, shared singing plus a concert performance, featuring renowned jazz singer Isabella Lundgren (www.isabellalundgren.com). After this, the workshop participants, discussed the following three questions:

  1. Relevance for own work context: Is shared singing or similar practices relevant for your work context? how do you think such practices can support existential resilience in your work context?
  2. Potential integration in own work context: How could shared singing or similar practices be applied and integrated in your work context? Please share examples and innovative ideas.
  3. Drivers and obstacles: How can we overcome existing barriers for integration and create synergistic collaboration across work contexts among ERiCi partners?

The workshop was very much appreciated by all participants. As Christopher M. expressed it after the workshop: “I wish everyone (in the world) would have been here for it.”

14 February 2024

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