Our Collaboration with Lund Cathedral

Lena Sjöstrand, Cathedral Chaplain at Lund Cathedral, is an active member of ERiCi. She works with exhibitions and dialogues between the church, theology and different artistic expressions.

– Through art we can reflect on existential threats and resilience and share experiences both with and without words, explains Lena Sjöstrand.

She is particularly interested in exploring if and how art, rituals, and reflection in holy spaces can support existential resilience and nurture hope.

Hope was also an important aspect of Prof. Christine Wamsler’s presentation on ‘Living with uncertainty’ during the North European Cathedral Conference 2024 in Lund. The presentation was part of ERiCi’s collaboration with Lund Cathedral, and lead to further cooperation activities with the Swedish church.

– I deeply appreciate the work with Lena Sjöstrand, Lund Cathedral, the Swedish church, and the inter-faith work that we are supporting with ERiCi. It is crucial to both understand and support existential health and resilience, says Prof. Wamsler.

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